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Be a Sponsor

The NH Gay Men’s Chorus is pleased to announce our new Chorus Sponsor Program!

This new program brings a digital focus to our Sponsors that increases and broadens the audience that hears of your great support, and allows us to do it in an eco-friendlier manner! Key new features include our Online Concert Program, and our Digital Concert Preview Show – both available for ALL sponsors and concerts!!

Our Chorus Sponsorship Program is based on categories of sponsorship that progressively recognize the level of support.  The recognition continues throughout our Fiscal Year (July 1 – June 30), and so includes both our Winter (December) and Spring (May) Concert series (all 8 concerts!!).  (Contact us for partial year consideration.)  Additionally, upper tiers of sponsorship include sponsor representation at Outreach events – such as Pride events in June, and various free performances/appearances — occurring throughout the year.

The following describes our levels of sponsorship, and what is provides with each level


BRONZE SPONSOR (min. $250):

SILVER SPONSOR (min. $500):

GOLD SPONSOR (min. $1,000):

PLATINUM SPONSOR (min. $2,500):

DIAMOND SPONSOR (min. $5,000):

PREMIER SPONSOR (min. $10,000) – single sponsor only:

Our Online Concert Program is an online digital program that will provide all of our Sponsorship information as well as all the artistic and programmatic details about the concert performance.  All members of the audience will receive a handout upon entering the venue that provides an online line link and QR-code to easily allow access to the Online Program.

The Digital Concert Preview Show is a digital video presentation that will be shown before concerts and during intermissions.  It will display, in a repeated-loop format, various Chorus related notices as well as the Sponsors’ logos and art/photos (as applicable).  Screen size and frequency of Sponsor appearance is based on sponsorship level.


In addition, the Chorus continues to recognize our Individual Donors, who also serve a key role in allowing us to bring our performances to you across the State of New Hampshire.  (Also Fiscal Year based.)

Director Level $1500 and up
Tenor Level $1000 to $1499
Baritone Level $500 to $999
Bass Level $50 to $499
If you’d like to become a sponsor or partner or know more, contact us:

The New Hampshire Gay Men’s Chorus
Post Office Box 6251, Manchester, NH 03108-6251
Telephone (603) 263-4333

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